Monday, April 28, 2008


There are Tulips and Daffodils outside, and its beautiful. It snowed today. Yes, snowed. Im not talking little flakes you can barely see, Im talking snowballs. It was.....wicked? Good word for snow in late April. I would think that the Robins and other birds around here didnt appreciate the snow. Like me, they were probably saying, 'WTF'!

I miss my company. I have talked to him today already....and I miss him. Im starting to question if this is what I really, really want. I know deep inside its what I want. Im just scared of being hurt, yet again. This man wouldnt hurt me. Hes different. Yeah, I know, they all say that, but he IS different. Why do I miss him?

I told him I need time. I think thats fair. I know Im going to see him again. I think, no, I know, this is what I want. Im just scared. I have that little tiny voice in my head telling me that life is short, so very short, GO FOR IT!!! Im scared...

Im still off work. Yeah, still. Seeing as this is only my 2nd entry, and I didnt say anything in my first about being off work, you didnt know this. I dont want to go back. I like my job, hate my boss syndrome. He is one of those that sets people up to fail. He is trying with me, and its not working. I win! Asshole.

I often say.......What comes around, goes around. And when it comes back, its so much worse!!!

He will get his. I have to have patience.

Crap, I just deleted. I didnt promise I wouldnt delete. Sometimes theres a time and a place.

For now, thats all I want to say.

Peace Out.


Eric S. said...

Just so you know...I miss you too, and I will give you all the time you need.

I will wait.

loveno88 said...

with tears in my eyes, i know.