Sunday, May 4, 2008


An early blog for me today.

It has been an awesome day today. I spent most of it outside, in the sun.

I played some frisbee with my son. My back will be feeling that here before long. Had my dog out running her tail off. She loves running around the backyard. Im so blessed with this dog. She is my angel muffin. I tried to see my Gram today, but she was crashed and I didnt want to wake her. She looked good and is going back the nursing home this afternoon. Im going to visit her tomorrow as I know she will be tired.

I talked to my sister. Her and I dont really have much of a relationship. My 2 best girlfriends are more sisterly to me, than she is. Its sad actually. Nothing really I can do about it. I called her to give the the scoop on Gram. She lives in AZ and I doubt she will come out to see her. Shes not like that.

I spent some time talking to Eric. It seems that everyday, I realize a little more how much he loves me. Hes.....uh.....pretty amazing. Im truly happy. It feels good to be happy. I dont think Im as happy as I could be, but Im getting there.

I talked to one of my girlfriends today. She lives in NC. She was chillin on her front porch with her dogs and my brother. I was chillin on mine with my dog and my son. Her and I are so much alike, but so different. She is my female soul mate. If that makes any sense.

I talked to another one of my girlfriends today. Shes getting ready to move to MN. Im trying to talk her out of it. Why would you want to move there? They get a lot more snow than we do. I expressed this to her, and she understands. Shes still moving. We have been told that if one of us starts on the Atlantic side and the other the Pacific side, we will find each other without any form of communication. We are 2 peas in a pod. Shes one of my best 'work' friends. Somebody I will know and keep in touch with for the rest of my life.

hmm...What else happened today? I dont think anything. Kinda of a boring day, but a good day. I got some fresh air, got a little sun, spent quality time with one of my kids, played with the dog, spoke to a few very important people in my life. It seems today, life is good.

Whats going to happen tomorrow?

Peace Out....


Mrs. Hillis said...

I was given a "heads up" to your blog by the new man in your life :). He's a dear friend of mine and I just wanted to say hello and thank you for making him happy. I'd like to add you on facebook if that's okay. I wish you both all the best--sounds like the start of something awesome.
Take care,

DarkerNights said...

:wave: onie man pointed me over here.

congrats. and hello!

Eric S. said...

A quiet kind of day.
That's the best kind. :)

I'm glad you had a good day, my love.

Anonymous said...

hi :) Coming from Onie's blog. I've known him like...forever. *L* He's a really great guy and I'm glad he found someone who's made him happy.

Take care ^^

Denise said...

What's going to happen today?

Hmmm. Cinco de Mayo.

...and a word verification like ufswzdru...

