Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well hello there....

I bought corn on the cob, freshly picked off the stalk today....green beans, freshly picked off the vine today....potatoes, dug from the black dirt today....marinated some chicken. MMMmmm.

I bought some charcoal and lighter fluid because my brother tried to grill corn and turn it into POPcorn. Cooked it on the grill for 4 hours. (This is what happens when I go to Pittsburgh for a few days) Um, it didnt work.

Had all the kids around for all of 30 minutes, then like a fart, they were gone. Yeah, I could still smell 'em.

My delicious meal was postponed until tomorrow. Damn!

Eric and I had a little alone time, and spent it wisely. Went and got some chow. Kids are slowly but surely coming home.

The silence was wonderful.

Eric is going to stay here until next Tuesday. It will be 2 1/2 weeks together, and I havent wanted to kill him yet. He has had a few 'moments', but for the most part, this has been amazing.

'Move in' amazing? Hold your horses, Charlie. Im nowhere near ready for that step. I have nothing but time. He has nothing but time. Im not going anywhere and I know hes not either.

Ive got nothing new from yesterday.

Kids had their first full day today. My youngest has her eye on some boy. She also brought home paperwork for her drivers permit. OMG! My baby, driving. Scarrrrry!!!

The weather here has been cold as hell. It feels a lot like October. Im not ready for summer to be over. Seems like it just started. Why is this always the shortest season? I need to move south...

Im going to go play with my PSP for a little while. Eric has one and I played with it a little bit while I was there. This was my excuse to finally get one and retire the old school Gameboy. When my boys arent playing Madden 09, I find a few minutes and unwind.

Have a great night.

Peace out....


Eric S. said...

The delicious meal will be just as delicious tomorrow...er, ah..today.

And we've got plenty of time, my love. When the time is right, the day will come that I won't leave, and it'll be wonderful. :)

Rene said...

One step at a time will bring you closer to a common goal :-)
First get this delish dinner out the way :P

Squooshiewoodums said...

I picked corn - promptly blanched it then froze it.
I picked beans - just as quickly canned them. (have 11 quarts so far...)
I don't plant or dig potatoes...I buy them too! *chuckle*

You can grill corn - just remove the silks (not the husks), soak in saltwater for about an hour, then grill. The husks keep it protected from the heat and it tastes like it's been steamed. ;)

One thing at a time and only when it's "right". Just enjoy yourself!

Shauna said...

*drools at the thought of grilled corn*

enjoy your time, my dears