Tuesday, March 24, 2009



The house is quiet right now because everyone is still sleeping. The baby didnt get up last night, that I know of.

Its raining today. Its supposed to be in the 60's, but theres rain. I dont mind the rain. Im glad the kids are sleeping in, they need it. I was up early this morning. 6am. Yeah, that seems early for me as of late. So I got up, and Ive been sitting here just chilling and watching the rain.

The baby wakes up as I speak. Ahhh...I love his cry. I think he wants his Grandma. Ok, he wanted me for a second, hes hungry.

This child doesnt use a pacifier. He spits it out. When he cries, hes hungry or he needs to burp. I take advantage of his cries because you dont hear it much.

Poor Jessica looks tired this morning. I guess he didnt sleep all night. Oh to be a young mom.

The baby is breastfeeding so I cant really help her. I wouldnt mind getting up at night to feed the baby, just so she can sleep. Jessica is getting a pump so we can help her out, but its a big ordeal. She can get one to 'borrow' but she needs to run all over to get the damn thing. I think we are doing that today.

Brad has been a good dad so far. He is doing what he can. Changing diapers and 'helping to feed the baby'. I dont really know what that means when he says that, but Im just going along with it. He has also been getting up with Jessica, to help out with what he can. I think he likes his little boy. I think he will like him more when he gets a little bigger. Right now, Curtis is so little and just wants his mom.

So being a Grandma is pretty cool. Its even more cool that Jessica is still living at home. I got to help her give him his first bath. He didnt like that too much. Ive also been able to watch him while she gets some sleep. Im not complaining.

I go back to work tomorrow. For whatever reason I have only had to work 1 day out of the last 5. Its been nice. The kids are on spring break this week, but they are at their dads. Jessica will be home alone tomorrow for the first time. Lets call it 'bonding' time. lol.

Eric has been the most amazing 'Pops' as well. He talks to Curtis and teaches him a word a day. We have the job of making sure this child is well educated. I dont worry about Jessica. Shes smart. Its Brad that is a little slow. He was brought up way different than Jessica. He was an only child who was spoiled rotten. Hell, he is still spoiled rotten.

There are photos. Im not sure what Eric is doing with them. I hope he posts them to his Flicker acct. He takes the most amazing photos and I cant get that through his thick skull. I appreciate all the photos hes taken. He has 'caught' Curtis.

I have made a little project for myself that will take a year. Im taking a photo a day of the baby and at the end of the year, Im going to make one big photo. Im going to print them up as 1 inch by 1 inch pictures and then put them in order so we can see his growth. I think after a year, it will be just once a month...lol. I thank Eric for helping me do this as well.

Time for me to go. I need to bond with my baby boy. I will update soon.

Peace out...


Rene said...

As I was reading your blog and checking Flickr I noticed gramps posted a few pictures of Curtis (amongst others), and you are right, he is not just a picture taker anymore.

I can see how Brad is kinda helpless now, because I know that I can't do much either after Travis is born, other than changing diapers, burping him and watching him sleep. But that should be satisfaction enough :-)

Eric S. said...

FYI: Jessica can't get the breast pump until after her next doctor's appointment, which isn't until May.

It makes sense, depending on how you look at it. They want to make sure she knows how to breast feed, and isn't looking for a shortcut or an out. Of course, it doesn't help that she's tired, and it'd be nice for dad or grandma to feed and help out.

Of course, Jessica did say she'd go find a damn hand pump if she had to. LOL

I love you, baby!

Denise said...

Aww, Gramma Jules...<3 Sweet, sweet entry. :) Yeah, new daddies often feel as though there's nothing they're really doing to help or contribute in the very beginning, because there is understandable need for Mom. Just his presence, though, is what is the most needed. So that he's *there* is awesome. I also agree with both you & Rene that Eric's skills with the camera have increased tremendously - I thoroughly enjoy the flickr sharing. :)

Eric - Pops *grin*:...hmm. In a (very) short-term perspective, it makes a brand of sense. I won't get too heavily into this (meaning, my feelings on LLL), but something in that thought about "they" has a strong feel of what I call the "La Leche League pull", which I have dealt with in the past. It's a cyclic thing, to be honest, depending on the infant-feeding "flavor of the month" is, which has changed repeatedly over time. Ensuring she knows how to breastfeed is one thing. *tilts head* - and while it's NOT easy at first, once the full milk comes in, there isn't much more that needs to be "ensured" - beyond noting the fact that to "train baby," one must know to stick as much of the areola in his mouth for a proper latch. After that, baby does most of the work...and where a pump comes in REALLY handy in those moments is with the other breast...because it *will* be leaking. That isn't a shortcut or an out...it's a practical measure to minimize waste that'd probably otherwise just drain into a nursing pad. In fairness, this mode of thinking..."they" may want to be certain *because* she's a first-time mom, but even that is kind of on the long-shot end (just my opinion). And maybe my attitude is showing, but beyond the first two weeks (after the colostrum has passed, and the bonding with "real" milk has happened), there is no logical reason that a pump can't or shouldn't be used - but truly, that is just my opinion...so take it for the grain of salt it's worth.