Sunday, December 7, 2008



It was so cool to wake up this morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls baking, my love laying next to me and the sun shining.

I am so very grateful that he is here with me.

Thank you to everyone for the support you have given him. These past few weeks have been life changing for him and me. I just really appreciate everything everybody has said and done for us.

Peace out...


Eric S. said...

I love you

Rene said...

I wish I would have been closer so I could have physically helped, but I am glad that my offline support was at least a little helpful :-)

Eric S. said...

The support and love from my friends has been more than helpful, old friend. :)

Denise said...

I'm sorry I've been so behind on everything with the blogs and with the current status of everything. Between school and issues with my mother, I need desperately to catch up.

But I will say that I am SOOOOO thrilled for *both* of you - happy to bursting! *hugs*
